The essential teachings of ramana maharshi
The essential teachings of ramana maharshi

the essential teachings of ramana maharshi the essential teachings of ramana maharshi

But visitors were able to get him to answer questions in writing. Up to this point, Ramana was still not ready to break the silence that he had kept since his departure for Arunachala. In 1898 his mother found out about his whereabouts and tried unsuccessfully to persuade him to come home. Soon after, he moved to the mountain, where he lived in the Virupaksha Cave from 1899 to 1916. Another yogi, Sheshardi Swami, recognized the potential of the young yogi, brought him into the light of day and took care of his body. At first, contemporary witnesses recall, he sat in an underground, dilapidated shrine ( Pathala Linga ) of the Arunachaleswara Temple in Tiruvannamalai, where he was so absorbed in samadhi that he did not notice how ulcers and pus were forming on his thighs. Six weeks after this experience, Ramana set out for Mount Arunachala, which is considered sacred by Hindus, where he spent the rest of his life. Before this crisis, I was unable to perceive the self clearly, and I was not consciously attracted to the self. Even when my body is occupied with talking, reading or whatever, my whole being is no less self-centered. Other thoughts appear and disappear again, similar to the notes of a piece of music, but the self is always present as a keynote among the other notes and mixes with them. Since then, being sucked into the self has continued without interruption. Since then, the fascinating power of this self has remained the focus of my attention. He later said of the experience: “The self was something very real, the only real thing in my current state, and all of my body's conscious activity was focused on this self. He had come to the answer that the body may die, but not the self or its consciousness. According to his stories, Venkataraman / Ramana had a formative experience at the age of 16: During a violent fear of death, he was concerned with the question of what dies in death.

The essential teachings of ramana maharshi